What is State in Businessflo
In Businessflo a State is a political and administrative division within a Country, characterized by its own government and laws. It has defined boundaries and regional authorities, playing a crucial role in local governance and policy implementation. States contribute to the overall structure and functioning of a country, managing regional affairs and representing specific geographical areas.
How to Create a State in Businessflo
- Module: OS - Organization Structure
- Process Code: OSCO - State
There are two options available to navigate to this screen.
- Click on Organization Structure -> Address -> State
- Write the process code for this screen in the search bar which will navigate you here directly.
The list shows the States already being created in the system. Now either you can click on new button to create a new State or you can select from the list of corresponding States to view, edit or delete it.
To create a new state, fill in the necessary details:
Now click on Save to save the information provided.